Our current
module in Selection and Integration of Instructional Technology, we have been
discussing the use of Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
in classrooms. UDL recognizes that every learner is unique and processes
information differently. It provides a basis to create and put into practice
lessons with flexible goals, methods, materials, and assessments that support
learning for all students.
For our assignment, I interviewed two
SLP’s (Speech-Language Pathologists) that utilize UDL everyday. Rowene White is
a speech–language pathologist in Bryan, TX. She works with children that have
delays with their speech and language skills such as: articulation disorders, voice disorders, fluency
disorders, expressive and receptive language delays, physical and social
communication skills (mostly hearing impaired and cognitive delays). She loves
to see her students improve on their communication skills with families,
friends and peers successfully at home and school.
Katie Darby has previously worked as a speech-language pathologist for an AEA in the schools and currently works at
Childserve in Ames with children with mild to severe speech and language
deficits. Many of her kids have autism to some degree, while others have
speech and language delays (or just developmental delays). She loves that she
can make such an impact on a families life by changing the child's
communication and being able to 'reach' that kid to let them be a
part of their environment like they have never before.
Rowene's answers appear in yellow and Katie's appear in red.
1. How do you decide to use UDL or assistive technologies with a student?
I look at
the overall abilities of the student - cognitive, physical, and
behavioral. I choose the complexity of the technology according to their
mental abilities (for example, picture symbols on cards vs. an electronic
device with up to 1000 symbols). Some students may not have the manual
dexterity to manipulate a keyboard. Some may have visual impairments, and
the picture symbols would need to be enlarged. Students with hearing loss
may not benefit from devices with synthetic voice outputs. When choosing
assistive technologies, I also consider the individual's negative
behaviors. High cost technology may not be appropriate for someone who
could potentially damage or destroy the device. They may require assistance
from another individual.
As a Speech-Language Pathologist, I
use AT (assistive technologies) for many students. I have several kids
that are currently non-verbal and can only communicate with the use of AT
devices. I have others that just need a little bit of support to succeed in the
school setting. For the last couple of years, I was a part of the
Assitive Technology team for my AEA and it was very important to us that
everyone in need be given the chance to have AT carefully considered for their
schooling and potentially included on their IEP.
2. What is the process used when designing curriculum to implement these
First, I
look at the needs of the individual. In what environment will the
assistive technology be used? For what purpose will the technology be
used? Who is the audience when the device is used? Specific picture
symbols, words, and/or auditory messages are then developed with these needs in
My role typically consists of
trialing devices to see what is a good fit for the child and then training the
child and support staff to effectively and efficiently use it in the classroom
and at home. I really don’t set up classroom curriculum.
3. How does a device help a student communicate or learn?
can be shared with the student through the means of the assistive device.
It also allows the student to interact with the listener using different forms
of communication: comments, requests, questions, answers to questions,
and negations.
It is one of the most rewarding
things to see when a child is able to use an AAC (augmentative and alternative
communication) device to communicate and interact with their environment.
For so long, many kids that benefit from AT have been isolated from the world
around them. Having access to certain AT devices allows them to ask and
answer questions, request objects and simply interact with their peers....and
although that maybe not be highly academic, it is life changing!
4. Do you have any favorite tools, devices, or apps to use?
I frequently use picture symbols generated by
a computer program called "Boardmaker". These picture symbols
have also been used in a booklet form called PODDS (Pragmatic Organization
Dynamic Display). I also use photo symbols taken with my own camera. An iPod is
an economical assistive device. Several apps, such as Proloquo2go, have
been developed using picture symbols. Dynavox is a company with an array of
assistive devices. They vary in their complexities.
Proloquo2go device found at: http://www.proloquo2go.com/
Over the years, I have
had good success with different Dynavox systems as well as Springboard
Lite. My current favorite, however, is the iPad with either the Proloquo2go
or Tap-to-Talk apps. This seems to be the most functional and allows them
access to other educationally rich items that the strictly communication
devices do not offer. I also really like the Read and Write Gold program
for kids that are fully verbal but need some assistance with literacy
activities. It is an excellent program that helps kids become more
independent, which should always be the goal when using AT.
SpringBoard Lite communicator found at: https://store.prentrom.com/product_info.php/cPath/11/products_id/8